warrior of the light

"experience is not what happens to a man; it is what a man does with what happens to him." - aldous huxley

Friday, November 30, 2007


Dear Friends,

I'm back again! Since last blog heaps has happened ;-)

1-- BIG HURRAH for Completing
a) BODYJAM (my 5th Les Mills Program - currently teaching and planning for Video Cert on Jan 2008)
b) Fitball Core (will start teaching fr Jan onwards!)
c) Yoga Teacher's Training Course (completed 200hrs. after 4mths!). Specialising in Flow(vinyasa) Yoga. --- watch out for the sneak previews coming after Christmas!
ie - Gentle Flow, Dynamic Flow, and Hot Flow.
d) took up driving course (yes again!) ... completing before year end! :x

2-- Christmas time for sharing. Planning for a charity at christmas 2008. More info coming up!

Jungle Jungle Jungle .... Stomp Stomp. x x x

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Sunday, June 17, 2007

Refocus - Mid year 2007

Now that all the launches are over, really had fun and many sort of emotions. Setting aside an hour today to rethink over my priorites..

Spankin' lessons for 2007
1. Pure hard work with raging determination to reach to the peak. the only way one would fail, is when one gives up!
2. Law of attraction - visualise with burning desire, ask and you will receive
3. LAw of KARMA - be nice to everyone and give thanks
4. The only way is to grow - nurture ur body/mind/spirit with love! Workout lots but also eat and sleep!!!!
5. Bring an internal smile.

Half a year gone - Now it's time to refocus on new priorities for next 2weeks (short term layout - wish I could paint it here!) Below are the guide to my vision board :-
-New Club manager coming in - new plans of raging up the party scene!
-Fitball - June/July , BODYJAM - clearance by July 30th (action plan)
-Yoga training? TBC by July.
-->continue to help new trainees to develop, reminding myself on program essence - vice versa.

B.Family / Friends
- Quality time wit parents, grandma & dogs
- Choose to be present, and listen
- Play the role, and just be.

-DVDs (catch up some movies that I've missed - not Les Mills! & books that I've bought but left aside for months.)
-Sharpen by focusing on strength and working on weaknesses. (list down for action plan)
- Continue to develop bodymass, strength, and dancing skills (to list down for action plan)

D.Spiritual (current journey)
-acceptance of love
-free the ego

-- Each key development will be represented by a pix, sound or a feeling
-- gonna get my vision board and get it done by end of June 2007


Tuesday, June 05, 2007


Greetings! Been over a year since last I've last posted here. And I've decided to make this my new home for blogs for personal growth.

It's never too late to make 'Resolutions'. Mid-year ones like those mid life crises some are going thro (no pun intended!). Charming indeed here it goes ... to purchase a vision board ;-) top 3 goals by August 2007
1) Physical Aspect : - 56kg 14% bodyfat ... goal to increase weight to 59kg 17% by August 2007
2) New GX Program - To clear BODYJAM by August 2007 & Video cert by November 2007
3) Driving License - To clear test by July 2007, then purchase a car by August 2007

Any hints or tips to share .. most welcome!


Sunday, April 16, 2006

Virgin intro (not!)


After had registered here for since 2004, finally had decided to fill up this space & sharing with some new exciting goals, writings and muses about the ever evolving 'nick' that u know. So comments and feedbacks are welcome.


Best Regards,